Teen’s mind

Author Xu Jun, March 19, 2022

Today is the last day of our 2022 Africa Medical Briefing. Teenagers and adults visited technical schools, with the children witnessing firsthand the thirst for knowledge of their peers in extreme poverty. This marked the beginning of a journey devoted to transforming the lives of not only others materialistically, but also oneself spiritually.

This year’s technical school has 19 boys who live in dormitories and 12 girls who commute. They are all from poor families in Senegal, Mali, Ghana, and other West African countries.

Girls have no status at home, as they are considered burdens to raise at home. After they come to technical schools, they learn to cook and sew, which increases the family’s economic income and improves their status not only at home, but also in society.

Kennith, Mark, and Rachell are pictured with all the male students. This time, the African Crying Teen Team, with the help of Chinese-American teens from all over the United States, received many donations, including shoes, computers, and mobile phones. Each of the students above have a pair of shoes in their hands. These are the gifts that they dream of because shoes are normally too expensive, hence they typically either wear slippers every day or go barefoot. We are grateful to Dr. Li Baoqing’s son, Joshua, who first came up with this idea and collected shoes. Now the African children have received many, and the adults and children of our team are very happy to see this.

Kennith presents mobile phones to outstanding students on behalf of young people.

Mark presents mobile phones to outstanding students on behalf of young people

Rachell presents mobile phones to outstanding students on behalf of young people

Jason presents computers to outstanding students on behalf of teenagers

Eric presents mobile phones to outstanding students on behalf of teenagers

We donated a total of 5 mobile phones and 2 computers to outstanding students in technical schools. Many Chinese teenagers contributed to our collection of shoes and electronic equipment. Among them, we are particularly grateful to the BRI Youth Group, which provided timely donations before we went to Africa. We sent the electronics, and with what Rachell collected, we had the perfect giveaway.

We provide these students with free room, board, and study, on the condition that they have financial income after graduation to support the students who follow.

Sending African children to learn the skills for a living changes their lives and saves their entire families. We send love together with the children, which can change the lives of the African children and our own children. It could also activate the fire of love that we have buried in our hearts for a long time.

If you are moved and would like to support our African ministry, please write a check to Africa Cries Out, mail to Jun Xu, MD, 1171 E Putnam Avenue, Riverside, CT06878, USA, Zelle: Africacriesout@gmail.com or directly Online credit card donations http://www.africacriesout.org, https://africacriesout.net/, but the credit card company will charge a processing fee and you will receive a tax-exempt receipt recognized by the IRS.

Our team solemnly declares that 100% of your donation will go to the African people. We don’t have any administrative expenses, so our team will go to Africa at their own expense! Thank you for your loving support! Please visit our website and you will be able to see all our information. If you would like to join our ministry, please contact Dr. Xu Jun. Xu Jun WeChat: jun9174343767


Public WeChat ID: LifeExploring

Web page:http://www.africacriesout.org
