Africa Cries Out Report 2022 019

Author Xu Jun, November 11, 2022

Good news to all, the fourth year of the African Cries Out technical school just started on November 7, 2022. At present, 37 students have arrived at the school, including 7 boarding girls. More students are coming in to register.

Picture 1, Ms. Anna, teachers, students, family members and friends celebrated the opening ceremony and gathered together to congratulate these students on turning a new page in their lives.

Picture 2 and 3. Ms. Anna and her co-workers prepared accommodations and living utensils for the new trainees.

Picture 4 and 5. Girls are divided into two classes. Some local girls live at home and study sewing. Seven girls living in school choose sheet metal and electrical engineering, which is a huge challenge for women in Muslim countries. Let us sincerely pray for them and wish them to overcome difficulties and become qualified technicians.

Picture 6 and 7. On the first day of school, they learnt to cut hair and started a new life with a new look.

Picture 8 and 9. In language and basic theory class, everyone cherished the hard-won learning opportunities.

Picture 10 and 11. Girls and boys were learning how to use the drill.

Picture 12 and 13. Students were in the basic course of electrical engineering.

Picture 14. Students were singing and dancing to celebrate their new lives.

In Senegal, it is unprecedented for girls to go to technical schools, as it is not allowed in most families. We thank God that there are currently seven girls attending school. Although the number is small, these seven girls are the seeds of the future. One day they will bring more girls to our school. Those girls will be free from the fate of being the second, third, or even fourth wives, and will not undergo the female genital mutilation. They will be respected and have the same dignity as men.

We provide free tuition, room and board to all students. The annual cost is about 2,000 US dollars per student, thus the annual budget for 40 students is 80,000 US dollars. We wish you can help and support one or two students. We will send you the names and photos of the students you support, and your love will follow their growth.

With everyone’s support, the technical school has never been short of money over the years. All the achievements and growth of the students are because of you, your support and donations. We believe no joy can be compared with the happiness of seeing these children growing up, going to society, and making contributions to the community. Like numerous creeks merge and become the river and small hills form to be the mountain, our gathering love is manifested in the land of Africa. This is the power of love.

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Editor in charge: Liu Hui, Guo Yuanchun