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Africa Cries Out Report 2023015 I joined medical teams in Senegal


Africa Cries Out Report 2023015 I joined medical teams in Senegal Author Cathrine Do My name is Catherine Do and I am a medical student at the Keck School of Medicine with an interest in cardiology. This past March I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer with Africa Cries Out in helping provide medical and dental services to the underserved in Senegal, Africa. As an aspiring physician, I have served at several local health fairs and volunteered on medical mission trips to Southeast Asia. I am grateful for the opportunity to have joined Dr. Jun Xu and his team of healthcare [...]

Africa Cries Out Report 2023015 I joined medical teams in Senegal2023-05-06T20:26:01-04:00

Africa Cries Out Report 2023014 My Diary of Senegal medical mission trip


Africa Cries Out Report 2023014 My Diary of Senegal medical mission trip Author Cynthia Shi, 9th grade, Princeton High School, NJ  3/17  My first impression of Senegal was that it was scorching. The sun shone down, and I felt my skin burning after standing outside for just a few minutes. As we drove to the base, I saw so many clay houses that looked like they were about to keel over, and kids running around the dirt roads with no shoes.  As soon as we walked into the base, it was work time. When we arrived, we had to sort all [...]

Africa Cries Out Report 2023014 My Diary of Senegal medical mission trip2023-05-06T20:27:44-04:00

Africa Cries Out Report 2023011 An Unforgettable Moment in History


Africa Cries Out Report 2023011 An Unforgettable Moment in History Author Xu Jun, April 03, 2023 On the afternoon of March 24, 2023, at the Africa Crious Out Base, a grand ceremony was held where every student from the technical schools received three gifts: a laptop, a mobile phone, and a pair of sports shoes. These children, born in the jungle, had never ridden a train, seen a movie, or known what a two-story building was, let alone tasted a hamburger. Thanks to the support of kind-hearted people, they left the jungle and are now receiving modern education. Students are waiting [...]

Africa Cries Out Report 2023011 An Unforgettable Moment in History2023-04-22T22:04:52-04:00

Africa Cries Out Report 2023010 End of Trip Cook-off: Brazilian Food vs Chinese Food


Africa Cries Out Report 2023010 Chinese team defeated Brazilian team Author Xu Jun, March 25, 2023 Mr. Nielsen has been leading the Brazilian church members in New York to work alongside our team for over a decade. Together, we have shared many touching stories, been through thick and thin, and faced incredible challenges. One such challenge was crossing the jungle in Senegal to reach villages in need of medical aid and food. We also navigated through Guinea-Bissau during the civil war, where each of the 21 checkpoints felt like a gateway to hell, demanding money or thoroughly searching your luggage on [...]

Africa Cries Out Report 2023010 End of Trip Cook-off: Brazilian Food vs Chinese Food2023-05-30T22:30:55-04:00

Africa Cries Out Report 2023009 Africa Cries Out for the first time with dental services – Dr. Dinh’s Dental Diary


Africa Cries Out Report 2023009 Africa Cries Out for the first time with dental services - Dr. Dinh's Dental Diary Author Xu Jun, March 24, 2023 On September 12th of last year, I received a phone call from dentist Tiana Thanh Dinh who said, "I have been following your work in Africa, and I was wondering if I could join you next year?" Dr. Dinh and her husband, Dr. Loc Do, are both graduates of the University of Southern California School of Dentistry. They have participated in medical missions several times, bringing along their daughter Catherine to provide healthcare services in [...]

Africa Cries Out Report 2023009 Africa Cries Out for the first time with dental services – Dr. Dinh’s Dental Diary2023-05-07T13:09:43-04:00

Africa Cries Out Report 2023008 The gynecology team removed a large uterine fibroid


Africa Cries Out Report 2023008 The gynecology team removed a large uterine fibroid Author Xu Jun, March 20, 2023 In May 2022, I received a phone call from Professor Xuezhi Jiang, an obstetrician and gynecologist based in Philadelphia. During our conversation, Professor Jiang expressed a keen interest in the work and mission of Africa Cries Out and without hesitation, confirmed his commitment to join the team and travel to Senegal the following year. Professor Jiang has been actively involved in providing free gynecological surgeries in Nigera and other African countries since 2012. Despite the challenging conditions, he has performed procedures such [...]

Africa Cries Out Report 2023008 The gynecology team removed a large uterine fibroid2023-04-11T17:26:51-04:00

Africa Cries Out Report 2023007 A message from a parent


Africa Cries Out Report 2023007 A message from a parent Author Duan Xiaohong, March 21, 2023 When I read all five Chinese teenagers said, 'I will never ever, never ever complain again!' at the end of the short mission trip, my heart was touched. I shared the articles about the volunteer medical mission trips in Africa with my daughter and asked if she was interested in joining the trip to Senegal in 2023. We had previously discussed the meaning and goals of life many times. She often struggled with the reality and unclear ideals, frequently asking me what to do if [...]

Africa Cries Out Report 2023007 A message from a parent2023-03-22T00:24:36-04:00

Africa Cries Out Report 2023006 A Day of Teenagers in Africa


Africa Cries Out Report 2023006 A Day of Teenagers in Africa Author Xu Jun, March 19, 2023 Our teenage team's service in Africa is admirable! In the early morning, as the faint light just started to appear, various kinds of birds that have disappeared in the big cities of North America were singing melodiously, waking up the children. They quickly got up and prepared breakfast for the team. In North America, if they don't go to school, these children usually stay up late at night and don't get up in the morning, and sleeping until ten or eleven is a common [...]

Africa Cries Out Report 2023006 A Day of Teenagers in Africa2023-03-21T00:58:48-04:00

Africa Cries Out Report 2023005 We treated 539 patients today


Africa Cries Out Report 2023005 We treated 539 patients today Author Xu Jun, March 18, 2023 Today was the first day, and our team split into four small groups to begin providing services to local patients. The first group stayed at the base. Patients started queuing up in the hot weather from six o'clock in the morning. This hot weather brought a fiery passion to everyone. The second group went to a village. Originally, the plan was for the third group to go to the village, but due to unforeseen circumstances, several doctors from the third group were still on a [...]

Africa Cries Out Report 2023005 We treated 539 patients today2023-03-20T01:25:20-04:00

Africa Cries Out Report 2023004 The first group of medical mission team members arrived at the base in 2023


Africa Cries Out Report 2023004 The first group of medical mission team members arrived at the base in 2023 Author Xu Jun, March 17, 2023 After more than half a year of intense preparation, finally the first group of members arrived at the base. This year, we have a total of 91 team members, including 26 doctors and two acupuncturists from the United States and Singapore who have come to Senegal to offer their skills and love, and provide medical services to residents in impoverished areas. Although we encountered many difficulties during this process, with the grace of God, our team [...]

Africa Cries Out Report 2023004 The first group of medical mission team members arrived at the base in 20232023-03-18T14:45:33-04:00