Since ancient times, Chinese parents have emphasized on their children the value of good education, hence they encourage their children to study hard, hoping to help them change their fate and live a better life. There are many stories such as “Mother Meng’s Multiple Relocations”, and there are also classics such as “Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai” and “Carp Leaping Over the Dragon Gate” illustrating the importance of education in the Chinese parents’ mind.

The blood of the ancient Chinese people still flows in our bodies and is passed down, and it is this blood that ignites us to help “African children” bring changes in their life through learning. “Africa Cries Out” adheres to the principle of “giving a man a fish is not as good as teaching a man how to fish”. Since 2013, Africa Cries Out has been delivering medical care, medicine, food and well digging to remote villages. In addition to that, we have also been running a technical school for five years. The tuition, accommodation and living expenses of the students are all provided for free by “Africa Cries Out”. With the support of all caring people, about 50 students are enrolled every year, and this year is no exception. On July 5, 2024, our fifth batch of students graduated.

For Class 2024, we originally had 53 students enrolled, but during the course, some students dropped out because they could not adjust. In the end, there were a total of 42 graduates, including 14 in the computer class (6 boys and 8 girls), 12 in the sheet metal class(11 boys and 1 girl), and 16 in the sewing class (all girls).

Here are some highlights of the graduation ceremony:


After one year of study, students of the “Africa Cries Out” technical school received graduation certificates issued by the school. Then they need to intern under a licensed master for half a year before they can obtain a practicing certificate issued by the Senegalese government and practice independently. Every time we saw the smiling faces of these students when they graduate, our hearts were intoxicated. From what they learn in the “Africa Cries Out” technical school, these students’ future lives will be changed. What could be more joyful than this? Our supreme master gave His beloved Son to personally teach us the true meaning of life. The change of one person’s fate will bring about change in the fate of the whole family.







When we saw how happy these students are, dear caring people, brothers and sisters, we knew that your love has changed their lives. Muslim women have a very low status in the community. They are considered as tools for childbirth and cannot even eat a full meal unless they please their husbands. On the other hand, a man can legally have four wives, while the destiny of women is  miserable. Now, through your donations and after graduating from the “Africa Cries Out” technical school, they can use their skills to support themselves and their children. Your love is the response of life. The inner satisfaction and joy obtained by unconditional love and dedication can only be experienced by real participation. Thank you all for your selfless dedication. “Africa Cries Out” and our African students thank you for your love and support.


The performance of the women’s football team of the “Africa Cries Out” Technical School is very good, which is unimaginable in Muslim countries. Women’s exposure to the public has broken the tradition, and now, they are even playing on the field. Your love gives them spiritual nobility, and they also become individuals who hold their heads high and deserve respect. In the past years, some of our girls were playing football barefoot, but with your support, they were able to play properly with shoes. Hence, we thank everyone for their compassion and donation of shoes to these African families every year. We will go to Africa again in March next year, and we will still need your generosity and support – sneakers, computers, phones, painkillers, vitamins and other items are urgently needed in the local areas. We will bring your love to the African families in need and show your kindness in Africa.

Below is the annual report written by the teachers of the “Africa Cries Out” school. From it, you can see the progress of the students and the problems they faced. The “Africa Cries Out” Technical School thanks all the kindhearted people, brothers, and sisters for their strong support. In this life, when there is such an opportunity to help those in need and change their destiny, why not seize it?

Nils Taranger Dimbali Technical and Vocational Training Center School Report for the 2023/2024 School Year

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that we are reporting the achievements, as well as the difficulties we faced during this school year, having the teachers/instructors themselves and the staff of the center as the source and witnesses of this information .

To speak in general terms of our calendar, we encountered many uncertainties at the start of enrollment for external students, the selection of internal students and the selection of training that should take place this year. Finally, it was decided to only do registrations of external students. This delay in decision-making led to a little set back in registration, since here in Senegal, schools and training centers begin their registrations and pre-registrations at a time close to the end of the school year. There were some concerns on how to get the interest of prospective students, but finally, things began to fall into the right places and we were able to publicize the center by going door to door handing out leaflets, posters and banners, talking about the center and the opportunities it offers to the residents of the village.  The feedback we received is that, there were many people here in Kandam (village), who have never heard of the Dimbali Center (Africa Cries Out Technical School).

With this publicity, a record number of students enrolled was achieved, compared with previous years. 53 students of different backgrounds enrolled, and even when the school year has already started, there were still clamor from people wanting to join the center.

This year we have three training courses: Informatics, aluminum and costura, or pattern,  cutting/sewing. Because of the increase in number of interested participants, we would like to expand and offer more training courses, and also to increase the capacity of the center itself (physical structure).

During the training of the computer science course, there was a student named Ousmane Diop, who lives in a village far from Kandam. He arrived at the center and faced difficulties in learning, in understanding things, in writing and in French language itself. But, he was encouraged through interaction with other students and practical activities, and eventually, he ended up having a lot of passion for computer science, He was  a diligent student, and one of those who always arrive early and eager in class. It all started when one day Ousmane’s uncle who lives here in Kandam heard about the center, and  immediately went to bring his nephew (Ousmane).  Ousmane dropped out of school at a very early age, claiming not to have a good mind to learn, just like many young people here in Senegal. On the contrary, after his time at the center, Ousmane acquired knowledge in computer science, learning how to use and handle a computer. It would be impossible to report everything here, but there are also the story of students Aua Ka and her younger brother Abdou Ka, who had the same difficulties as Ousmane Diop, but who had overcome and triumph in their studies. We also have the story of Mame Diarra, a university student, but doesn’t know how to use a computer, and who had this opportunity to learn and overcome these difficulties at the Dimbali center. These may seem to be small things, but to us, these are big victories for our students.

In the meantime, during the year, I was faced with several difficulties, when some improvements has to be made. Currently, our computers are very old, and cannot get updated anymore, hence new applications cannot be downloaded.  They also often crash and stalls during classes forcing the teacher to stop, sometimes for a long time, until the problems are solved. This has caused a lot of  delays and discomfort. In addition, the intended continuation of the training of students who have already done basic computer science were put on hold. Some students would like to take infographics and more advanced computer courses, but we are unable to do so because we do not have computers with capabilities for this. In view of this, we plead for your help regarding this matter. If you have the means to help us replace our current computers, in order to facilitate our intention of providing our students more advance courses, please find it in your heart to assist us.

In our cutting and sewing course, the teacher says that there were students in room (5) who also struggled to learn because of the low level of their basic education, and they could not cut well.  They did not have motor coordination for cuts, drawings and strokes, but when the teacher realized that the students are having difficulties, she worked and applied several practical methods until she managed to help the students overcome the difficulties and fit well into the level of the class. Another situation that manifested in the course was the unity in the class. There was a great reciprocity and mutual interaction, the more skilled helped the less skilled in certain traps, building a good environment for satisfactory learning.

The teacher also reports some hurdles that needs to be addressed in order to accomplish the desired results. For example, a wider table is needed for cutting practice. Another situation to address is the cutting and sewing course curriculum which is ideally a 3-year course. For first year, students will learn how to cut and sew by hands, in the second year, students should learn how to sew using pedal sewing machine, and by the third year, students should be able to learn how to use the electric machines. But here at the center we don’t have pedal machines, so there are second year students who advance directly to using or learning the electric sewing machines even if they are only on their second year. These students no longer see the need to continue at the center because they already use the electric machine and ends up not completing the course. In this sense, it would be good if we can follow the correct curriculum, which can only happen if we have pedal sewing machines for second year, and the electric machines would only be for third year students.

For the training in aluminum carpentry, I would like to take this moment to first say thank you to the initiators of the Dimbali Center.

The past year has been full of surprises. Despite some problems, we have been able to complete the mission and we give glory to God for everything that has happened. For my part, at the level of the aluminum class, I would like to tell you about some of the victories we had. For instance, there is this boy named Samba Diao. He came from a Dakar neighborhood called Lac Rose, where there they also have a training center for children and teenagers. And then the management decided to send Samba to train in aluminum carpentry so that he could then return to Lac rose and teach this trade in the center after his training.

With this in mind, he became a disciplined student and participated in all the classes, and today he is back in his neighborhood and this is a source of joy for us. Another thing that struck us was that girls can also do the training in aluminum carpentry. This year we had a girl who did very well in the class and she was at the same level as the boys. This made us realize that girls can also do technical training in carpentry. And there are still many success stories that we just can’t tell because this article will be lengthy.

We have also encountered problems with the machines since the machines we currently have are not suitable for aluminum. Sometimes we rent, or borrow machines,  but in my opinion, it is not ideal for our center. Another obstacle is lack of the materials to be able to work well. When the students leave, they go elsewhere, they encounter certain things and they tell people that we don’t have enough resources, or that they weren’t able to do particular things. Because work with aluminum is a bit broad and the manufacturing differs from some countries, we weren’t able to provide everything that the students need to know, but if we have the materials, and the machines we need, it will allow us to improve and do better.

Well, my prayer is that God help us in all these difficulties, so that in the end, we can pass on the most important thing to these children – education as their lifetime tool. Thank you very much and thank you to all the donors and to everyone who have helped the school move forward.



If you feel moved to support our ministry in Africa, please contact us

Jun Xu’s WeChat: jun9174343767


Public WeChat account: LifeExploring (人生天路)



Editors in charge: Cao Juanjuan, Zhang Kun

Translator: Wei Peng

English editor:Xi Wang

Editor: Doris Cruz