Africa Cries Out
Africa Cries Out seeks to support the health and welfare of West Africans by increasing local people’s access to health care and education in highly impoverished areas.
We Appreciate Your Support And Donation.
2025 Senegal Medical Mission Registration Information
To complete your registration, please read the “2025 ACO Detailed Itinerary Information” and “2025 ACO Medical Mission Registration” document, and fill out the required information in the 2025 Registration Form. After signing the form and pay the necessary fees, click the submit to finish your registration.
请完成您的注册,首先阅读“2025 ACO行程信息详细”和“非洲哭泣医疗短宣第二轮通知”,并在2025 注册表格中填写所需信息。在查看这些文件并缴费,完成所有步骤后,请签字,按递交(Submit)键。
- We serve the students, and the patients including the leprosy in the poorest area in Africa.
- We don’t have any administrative cost, we have no paid secretary, and any paid staff. All your donations will directly go to Africa people.
- We focus on the principle of “Teaching them Fishing, in stead giving them a fish”, we teach our students the skills to be a useful workers.
Date: 1/7/2022
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your generous gift to Africa Cries Out. Through your donation, we have been able to accomplish our technical school and other projects. You truly make a difference for Africa people, and we are extremely grateful!
In case you have not received our receipt for your year-end tax duction, you may use this letter and your transaction receipts of PayPal/Zelle/BankTransfer as your tax deduction evidence. We are a nonprofit organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code with EIN number: 81-302-2255.
If you have specific questions about how your gift is being used or our organization as a whole, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Mr. Nielson Teixeira