We currently have 2 hospitals: one at the outskirts of Dakar, Senegal, and one at the leper village of Fatiga, 700 km from Dakar. At the hospital near Dakar, we have departments of internal medicine, obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics, and family medicine. With your funding, there are currently physicians, nurses and pharmacists serving long term at the hospital. This hospital also has short-term wards for patients stay. At the hospital in Fatiga, we recently hired long-term physicians to serve the leprosy village people and people live around the area. The maximum patients these hospitals can accommodate daily were between 300 to 400 patients.


Our medicine are donated by two major providers: Americares and Directrelief. These organizations donate around $500,000 worth in medicine every year. This allows us to prescribe our patients for free. By distributing the necessary medicine, we are giving the opportunity to thousands of lives to have a future. Dr. Jun Xu also brings our medical team to the most needed areas in Senegal for service trips every year.


Healthcare is a basic need to everyone to live a healthy life. It gives people an opportunity to a better future. Please support us by donating, joining us for the service trips and sharing our website.

Please join us to help African People

Providing Education, Health care, and Nutrition

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