Mr. Yao Jiangang has been my good friend for many years. He is sincere and caring. When he communicates with others, he smiles and always looks into your eyes. His eyes are like crystals, pure and clear. I often wonder why a businessman who has been fighting with teeth and nails in the mall of business for many years still has eyes full of love and clarity.


Mr. Yao Jiangang

On October 27, 2021, Mr. Yao Jiangang sent me a text message, saying that his ten-year-old daughter, Alice wanted to volunteer in the “Africa Cries Out” activities in Senegal. I replied: “Sorry, she is too young.” Alice, though disappointed, was not discouraged by this setback. Instead, she donated the $500 to Africa Cries Out, money that she received during the Chinese New Year. And in the past three years, Alice has been donating to Africa Cries Out as her participation in the volunteer activities. She has put in financial help instead of time and effort.

On March 8 this year, Mr. Yao Jiangang and Alice’s long-cherished wish finally came true. After more than 30 hours of flight, the father and daughter arrived safely in Senegal from California, USA.


As soon as they arrive in the base camp in Senegal, Yao Jiangang and Alice started getting busy, helping organize medicines and helping at the front desk reception.

However, each of them had a little accident. Mr. Yao Jiangang accidentally sprained his waist while carrying a medicine package. After resting in bed for two days, although he still had difficulty moving around on the third day, he insisted on coming to the voluntary medical center to help the team handle some tasks within his capability.

Alice on the other hand, accidentally scalded the back of her right hand with hot water. Alice’s mother, who was far away in California, was so distressed that she almost cried when she saw her daughter’s blistered hand. But Alice just bravely applied a cold compress on it, put on gloves and continued to work.

    Alice’s scalded hand


When I asked Alice why she came to Africa, she blinked her eyes, eyelashes fluttering, and replied, “I love these poor people. I have the ability to help them, and I will do my best to do it.”

I asked her: “The conditions in this place are so difficult. Not only is there no Internet access, but the food is also not good, 3-4 people are crowded into one room, and the weather is unbearably hot. The temperature at noon is as high as 103 degrees Fahrenheit (39 degrees Celsius). Will you come again next year?”

“I will come again!” Alice expressed her strong intention in a firm tone.























Alice and other teenage volunteers are serving patients in Senegal


I turned around and asked her father, Yao Jiangang: “What about you? Do you have any ideas? Will you come again?”

Yao Jiangang said with a smile: “I will definitely come again next year. Although I am not a doctor, I can give you some suggestions on the overall planning and further development of ‘Africa Cries Out’, help you find resources, and assist you in establish friendly cooperation with the locals”


                                                                                                             Mr. Yao Jiangang and patients in Senegal


Although the sun is scorching in Senegal at this time, after hearing their answers, my heart felt as if I was bathed in a cool breeze, feeling extremely comfortable and happy! It is precisely because of the selfless dedication and help of so many caring people that our “Africa Cries Out” project has developed rapidly; it also allows us to gain spiritual joy while serving others. “It is more blessed to give than to receive” is an eternal truth! My dear friends, you might as well give it a try. By helping others, you are also helping yourself.



If you were touched and moved to support our ministry in Africa, please contact us:

Jun Xu’s WeChat: jun9174343767


Public WeChat account: LifeExploring (人生天路)




Editors in charge: Cao Juanjuan, Zhang Kun

Translator: Peng Wei

English editor: Xi Wang

Editor: Doris Cruz