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Delivering Healthcare to Senegal: Surgeries for Women’s Health by Hai Ying Gong March 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 009


“This foreign aid trip is not only a challenge in my career, but also an opportunity for me to fulfill my long time desire to contribute to others.”   The determination to cross tens of thousands of miles   On March 16, 2024, I was on vacation visiting my friend, Dr. Xie Ya, who had traveled all the way from Germany, and I found out that she was heading to Senegal, Africa the next day to participate in an international medical healthcare mission. I quickly decided that I would love to join her. Since I have more than 20 years of [...]

Delivering Healthcare to Senegal: Surgeries for Women’s Health by Hai Ying Gong March 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 0092024-06-04T17:54:54-04:00

Outcry From the Inner Heart: God’s Unfailing Love by Yang Di May 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 010


I have always wanted to set foot on the African continent to see the running wild animals, the starry sky, and the baobab trees...but I have never been able to make the trip. This time I learned about the free clinic organized by Africa Cries Out and thought it would be meaningful to not only help others but also experience the local culture in Africa. But because I wasn’t sure whether this move came from God’s guidance, I didn’t dare to act immediately. Only God’s love could give me the courage to act.   The courage to set off The decision [...]

Outcry From the Inner Heart: God’s Unfailing Love by Yang Di May 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 0102024-06-04T16:00:54-04:00

Village Stories During Africa Cries Out Medical Free Clinic by Liang Zhang March 11, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 003


Today, the Africa Cries Out medical team drove three hours to a village. Please allow me to share the service work of our medical team and youth volunteers. There are too many gifted brothers and sisters and talented friends who will also be reporting, so I will not be writing about specific medical or scientific stories. Let me just tell you about what I have observed on what the medical team do, and about the customs, culture, and traditions here. We saw many half-built houses on the roadside, which seemed to be abandoned without any further construction.  The bricks they used seemed [...]

Village Stories During Africa Cries Out Medical Free Clinic by Liang Zhang March 11, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 0032024-05-30T17:28:55-04:00

Dedicated Donation Program to Support African Patients by Jun Xu March 14, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 004


    Dear caring people, one of our youth team member, Nathan Jiang, participated in the "Africa Cries Out" medical/surgical mission for the first time in March last year. He witnessed first-hand the plight of African patients who lack resources for proper health care. When he returned to the United States, he began to actively work part-time, and advocated for the African patients to their church, relatives, and friends. Through his efforts, he raised $20,800. He then used the funds to purchase two ultrasound machines, one of which was donated to the Fatick Regional Hospital in Senegal. Another ultrasound machine will [...]

Dedicated Donation Program to Support African Patients by Jun Xu March 14, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 0042024-05-30T13:40:12-04:00

What is a SOAP Medical Record? (How AFRICA CRIES OUT Youth Volunteers Were Trained to Help with Medical Activities) by Jun Xu March 15, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 005


First encounter with theory: Surrounded by a group of youth, a male volunteer doctor writes “SOAP” on the white board: S is Subjective – the subjective description of the patient or what the patient tells you O is Objective – the objective examination of the doctor, or what you see in the patient A is Assessment – the diagnosis P is Plan – the treatment plan, or how you will manage the patient On the first day that Dr Chris Liu arrived at the ACO base in Senegal, he expertly taught the key points of SOAP medical record, while other doctors added some more explanation. The youth under training understood well, maintained a strong interest in learning, [...]

What is a SOAP Medical Record? (How AFRICA CRIES OUT Youth Volunteers Were Trained to Help with Medical Activities) by Jun Xu March 15, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 0052024-05-29T10:32:01-04:00

Hot Topic: Leprosy (Dr. Zhong Zhihong and Dr. Zhao Zhuangzhi’s Bus Teaching Series) By Jun Xu March 18, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 006


At 6 a.m., Senegal time, as dawn was barely breaking, we boarded the bus bound for the remote leprosy village of , some 470 miles away from our base camp.                                                                The soothing hum of the engine caused many of us to slumber.   By 9:30 a.m., it was time to stop for a short break. The driver's announcement jolted us from our light sleep. After the short stop, we were [...]

Hot Topic: Leprosy (Dr. Zhong Zhihong and Dr. Zhao Zhuangzhi’s Bus Teaching Series) By Jun Xu March 18, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 0062024-05-29T11:35:06-04:00

“Doctor, Help Me!” By Jun Xu March 11, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 002


On March 9, 2024, just on our second day in Senegal, we started right away the free clinic at the African Cries Out Base. Very early in the morning, many patients are already gathered and waiting at the entrance of the hospital at the base, waiting to be treated. The volunteer teenagers in our team were oriented in medical procedures and protocols before going to Senegal, hence they were made responsible for registering patients, recording vital signs, and triaging patients like real nurses. Before departure, Dr. Chris Liu and Ms. Duan Xiaohong conducted multiple trainings and orientation for the teenagers, so [...]

“Doctor, Help Me!” By Jun Xu March 11, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 0022024-05-24T11:13:02-04:00

I have To Re-plan My Life! (A snapshot report of Ms. He Dan, an Africa Cries Out volunteer) by Jun Xu March 20, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 007


He Dan is a successful mainland Chinese entrepreneur who also has a good business in the United States. She is a good homemaker, and a smart businesswoman. Her businesses are all highly successful. In addition, she also raised two well-educated children.   He Dan has been living a busy life. She travels a lot, owns luxury cars and beautiful houses in high scale neighborhoods, which earned her admiring stares from other people everywhere. But  there is always an inexplicable sense of something missing in her heart. On March 14 this year, He Dan, along with her daughter Jocelyn Cheng, joined the [...]

I have To Re-plan My Life! (A snapshot report of Ms. He Dan, an Africa Cries Out volunteer) by Jun Xu March 20, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 0072024-05-22T18:54:40-04:00

To Give Love – Africa Trip Starts Today By Jun Xu March 8, 2024 Africa Cries Out 2024 Report 001


This 2024, Africa Cries Out team has a total of 148 volunteer workers from all over the world, consists of 30 people from Brazil, 2 doctors from China, 1 doctor from Germany, and majority from the United States that includes Chinese team of 34 doctors, 29 other professionals, 55 students, and 1 doctor/physical therapist who is originally from the Philippines. The first batch of the team arrived at the Blaise Diagne International Airport in Dakar at around 2:50pm and immediately headed to the base camp for a quick orientation, then promptly started organizing and sorting out medicines needed for the next [...]

To Give Love – Africa Trip Starts Today By Jun Xu March 8, 2024 Africa Cries Out 2024 Report 0012024-05-22T08:48:07-04:00

Next Year, We Will Definitely Return! (A father & Daughter Tandem, “Africa Cries Out” Volunteers) by Jun Xu March 21, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 008


Mr. Yao Jiangang has been my good friend for many years. He is sincere and caring. When he communicates with others, he smiles and always looks into your eyes. His eyes are like crystals, pure and clear. I often wonder why a businessman who has been fighting with teeth and nails in the mall of business for many years still has eyes full of love and clarity.   Mr. Yao Jiangang On October 27, 2021, Mr. Yao Jiangang sent me a text message, saying that his ten-year-old daughter, Alice wanted to volunteer in the "Africa Cries Out" activities in Senegal. I [...]

Next Year, We Will Definitely Return! (A father & Daughter Tandem, “Africa Cries Out” Volunteers) by Jun Xu March 21, 2024 Africa Cries Out Report 2024 0082024-05-29T11:37:57-04:00
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