Presidential Volunteer Service Award
The Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is a citizen award issued by the President of the United States.
After the September 11th incident, the American people were re-energized to volunteer in any way, eager to help their neighbors. At that time, President Bush decided to establish some institutions to respond to the rising enthusiasm of the American people. In a television presentation in January 2003, President George W. Bush announced the PVSA Award to all Americans, which allowed everyone to receive volunteer service and contributions.

This PVSA award is given to US citizens or permanent residents, families, or some institutions in the United States. Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards are available based on accumulated service hours in consecutive 12 months. The certificate includes a congratulatory letter signed by the current President, a certificate of volunteer achievement, and a medal.
Dr. Jun Xu’s non-profit organization, Africa Cries Out, has been certified and authorized to issue PVSA Award on June 25, 2019. The Youth Chapter provides opportunities, through various programs and activities, that allow young students to collect volunteer hours and receive these prestigious awards. Additionally, these volunteer experiences build leadership qualities, connect with local communities, and create valuable memories for many youth involved.

For school students who are interested in joining our team or simply learning more about our program in any form, please contact: