Technical School
2014 was a year of great challenges including the start of our first technical school in West Africa. This School located adjacent to the Missionary base in Dakar , Senegal, it will be a pioneer in providing practical skills. Students will have the choice to learn professions like plumbing, carpentry, nursing , English, French, computer, etc… We are excited about this project that began in the Heart of Dr. Xu who was inspired to give an opportunity for young adults to learn skills that could immediate change their future. Thought still in its initial stages with your help this project could indefinitely change the lifestyle of many families in Senegal. We need your support to finish , equip, and maintain this proactive attempt to make opportunity available to all in Senegal.
In April 2017 there was the inauguration of our project that one academic building of 10,000 SF. We also complete one student dorm of 6000 SF in 2019. This is the first step in help the community to be self-sufficient giving them the opportunity to learn a profession . We already started courses in sewing and other courses, we purchased many equipment with three containers shipped from China, and now installed in our technical school. We set up a power generator, a well, computers, cooking equipment, etc. Our goal by the end of 2019 will have hundreds of students enrolled in their life changing courses. Making a difference for the people of Dakar and ultimately promote hope and change to the nation of Senegal.
We currently only finished the first story of the student dorm because shortage of the fund, we will try to finish the second story with another 6000 SF. Please keep a look out for updated photos of our project.
We appreciate all your support.
Academic Building