Africa Cries Out Report 2023 002 Your help is needed –

2023 West Africa trip

Author Xu Jun, January 14, 2023

Our 2023 medical team has over 80 people signed up, including 26 specialty doctors, who will be divided into three groups to serve the people of Senegal.

  1. General Medicine: We have internal medicine, pediatrics, neurology, cardiology, gastroenterology, geriatrics, rheumatology, ophthalmology, pain and rehabilitation, pathology, emergency, radiology, and acupuncture doctors. We will provide the highest standard of service to patients at the base hospital and various jungle villages to the best of our ability.
  2. Gynecology: We will collaborate with a local hospital, and they will screen patients for us. We will provide free surgery. We have two gynecologists and two anesthesiologists to ensure high standards of surgical success.
  3. Dentistry: We have two dentists at the base hospital to diagnose and treat local patients.

Although we only have 26 doctors heading to West Africa, we have received strong support from the Society of Chinese American Physicians for Excellence (SCAPE) and the North American Association of Chinese Physicians (ANACP). Most of our 26 doctors are also members of these two associations. Africa Cries Out would like to express our highest respect to the leaders and colleagues of these two associations.

Currently, we are preparing the equipment and medications needed for treatment. If your hospital or clinic can donate the following equipment and medications, it will greatly help our free clinic.

  1. For gynecological surgery instruments and related equipment, we need a portable Autoclave.
  2. We need to bring standard American medicines and simple equipment for anesthesia and related equipment.
  3. Common medicines for pediatrics, geriatrics, cardiology, neurology, and gastroenterology, etc.
  4. Personal protective equipment

Facial mask with shield, bouffant cap, powder free latex sterile/surgical gloves, powder & latex free sterile/surgical gloves non sterile exam gloves, sterile paper scrubs & gowns.

Africa Cries out-Missions-OR-GynInstrumentList-to be purchased or donated.pdf

Anesthesia related meds.xlsx

Pediatric J Neuro and Pain med.docx

Please check your medicine cabinet and talk to your group leader and drug representative to donate some to us. With just a little effort, you will be able to help us greatly, and you will also feel the joy of doing good for others. Why not? We will express our sincere gratitude to you and your team.

Please get in touch with Dr. Jun Xu on WeChat, jun9174343767 also, please send the medicines to Jun Xu, MD, 1171 E Putnam Avenue, Building 1, Riverside, CT 06878.

Editor in charge: Liu Hui and Guo Yuanchun